Thursday 9 February 2012

Ohhh dont know what to do and think :(

It's proper difficult when you don't know what to do and you think everything is going to be more complicated and it is right now...
Thinking about the love of my life he shows that he is not bothered but when it comes to anything he is why is does he want me to be with him if he doesn't have time for me he doesn't talk to me he does't come and see me when I am upset, ill or in need because I need him next to me and I know I need him or I will lose every feeling that I got for him and I don't want that at all I wanna love him but he needs to love me back and he doesn't do that I can tell him anything because he will be stressing I just hope that he sees how I really feel because I don't wanna hurt him like I just did by having to do something to save his back and I still need to be saving his back I don't have too but I want too and I need to because he is the last person I got haven't got anyone else ... :'( 

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