Thursday 31 March 2011

Hiyaa !!! ;]] xx Long Time lol .. xxx

Hello,,,;]] xxx 
Well I had a bit off free time to think about everything and now its oryt.
I am happy now because a guy that i just know from few day's is the best guy that i never meet he knows how to make me laugh so badly and  because he makes me feel better and that i can do better :) xxx He knows how to say thing that can make me feel good :)) xxx <3 

Thursday 17 March 2011

Hello...!!!!!! :) I am happy and sad at the dame time...:)...:(...pfff life ...
I am not bother now I know that I don't have chances for anything ....
I am not bother about anything if some one wants twat me I am here...
If someone wants tell me something I am listening all the time...
I am here and I will be here ...

Wednesday 16 March 2011


ahhh..:( again!!! :'(

AGAIN!!!!:'( ohhh the same thing as always ... my best friend told me that I am lucky with guy's how can I be lucky with them even if that guy that i like I can't be with him ....:'( 
Well he is a bit different but for me thats nothing i like how he is not how he look's like I like him by the way he is...and how he does
Thats the thing that I like about him,, I love the way he is ... xx
I thought that i could have you but I was wrong,, I made a mistake ..:'( 
well like always ...:'( 

Love you ...
pfff well it's better not say that...because when I say that always is everything getting bad ...
 I am not worth even to heard that...x 
I am gonna just say that even that I don't know you that much...
I feel something for you ...
But I am gonna stay quiet ...
till you see what i feel for you 

Friday 11 March 2011


Ahh i was thinking that u would like to be with me but i was wrong ..:( .. 
Why :'( ??

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Monday 7 March 2011

Well thats the end ??,, :'( is it ...?? can some one answer me please...??,,:'(

Again....Why me??...What i did wrong...??...
I was trying to be happy...
But why did you tell me that ...
Anyway that's your choice but i wanna see you happy...
Be happy like that..:)) 
But I am not really about that...:'( 
I am on about us... all...
We are best friends... then why everyone is gonna brake it..:'(
Yesterday I was standing and saying to my friend...
What will be with us in a few years everyone will go away... far... to make their own life's...
No one will remember what was with our group...
How many times we were sad and happy...
That times that we were laughing so much... even for no reason...
That time's were the happiest moments that i had in all my life...
With you lot...
I will miss you all...
I will cry for all of you...
I will be sat and thinking about all that happy moments that i had with you lot...
All of you gave me strength and you all were always with me when I need it ...
And now it will be the end..??
Yee I think so 
I a few years you lot will be finishing college... and making own life's...
Same with me... but I know that I will be still remembering all our laugh's and the sad moments..:'(
Well we are growing and thats life ...:'(
Sad:'( and Happy:') 
I know that everyone will be happy... in the future I am sure about it...  
I will remember all of you for...
I will think about all of you for...
I will love all of you for...
I will miss all of you ...:'( 

ohhhh :'(

Ohh why me :'( .. xx 
can I start to cry again ...:'(

New day :) xx

HELLO !!! :) 
Another day... Monday afters school well a bit tired but its okay ... hehe It was a bit funny :P
 and well :O I didn't know that one of my friends fancy's me :O ... well I don't even know if thats true or no 
but I am still with my mind lol .. xD 
hehe well thats my ex best mate... and I have still a felling to my ex .. then don't know what to do ... :( 
we will see :) 
never mind what I wanna be happy :) 
and I am trying to be happy 
without worries :P xx

Sunday 6 March 2011

Hiyaa !!! ;]] xx

Hiyaa ... xx
Well another day ... more happy really don't know how but I am :) .. Trying my best to be smiling well I am better because one guy told me yesterday that I have a pretty smile,, then I am better trying to shaw my smile :) 
hehe that guy makes me laugh  sometimes hehe but thats good :) xxx
Today I was out with my lovely  best friend Paulina and Artur and Lukas I had an amazing time :) and thats good :) I love them so much :) 
And now trying to forget all bad ... but I can't sometimes .. all my past is still in my head...
It will be fine in couple of days I am sure :) 
Really this blog made me better because I can tell what I feel and that made me happy :D xx 
hehe now I can laugh not like before always sad :P xxx 
hihi LOVE YA PEOPLE :P hehe 

Saturday 5 March 2011

Today .. xx

Today it was a hard day ... trying to be happy thinking about just myself .. :) wright yee that helped me .. so much i am better now ... but i have the same minds ... about him and now sorry but the f***n b*****d will broke another heart i am sure about it ... well don't know really because I don't know her really ... but he broke my heart first then my best friends but well that was as well her fault ... but I forgave her ..<3 ...
Well now I am trying to forget everything and go forward in my life don't look at the past that make me cry and feel bad ... <3 
Well hehe today I had an amazing day with my mate's I love them so much even the ones that I don't know so much I know some of them from about few day's but they are good for me and I will have them always in my heart :) xx the best of them is that when I need them they are always with me :) x and to remember them I will be always with them ... :) xx 

Thursday 3 March 2011


Life..:'( ???
Yee,,its shit ... you the person that I am thinking all the time about 
you the one that i thought that you changed 
you the one that made me feel like an angel 
you the one that I really loved 
I didn't know that I can love you that much...
but now I know that its the end :'(
for me,,, for you.
I know that I don't have any more chances.
You wont love me again.
Life is shit.
I think that it will be the end for everything,
every story that i made about us :'(
every mind that i had about you :'(
every song that i was song that i was listening and thinking about you :'(
Ye , I was in love with you and I am 
but you can't see that :'(
Every tear that flows from my eye is for you ...
I want to see you happy for the rest of your life...
That's why I will leave you alone...
For ever...
You will see soon 
how much I loved you and how much I love you
At that time i think you will see what you meant in my life...
You were you are and you will be
 the only one for me...
All mine 
is just for you I will leave everything 
and that it's 
for you
just for you 
no one else...
I wont forget about you...
Thats why I will 
pass to the other side ....
I will leave you for ever 
like you just want

Thank you :* xx 

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Can someone tell me why we find each other??....:( 
Why did we loved each other??....:( 
Why i thought that we will be happy for a log time??...:(
Why did you make me feel like this??....:(
Did you know what you just did??....:(
You made me feel like a old toy... played few times and thrown away... yee i feel like that now ... nothing to do with me just stay in one place and cry thinking that you will come back to pick me up and be with me... 
Would you do that??... 
Would you come back and love me again??
Samotna w tłumie ludzi ,
ze łzami w oczach ,
szukam ciebie...</3
Trzymasz ma reke,
Gladzisz me wlosy,
Bierzesz na spacer
W poranku rosy.
Choc jestem zla,
Dobrego nic we mnie,
Przytulasz mnie codzien,
Calujesz tajemnie...
I tylko ten strach,
Że stracic Cie moge,
Przepelnia ma dusze,
Przywraca trwoge...
Że zranie doglebnie,
Przez wlasna glupote.
Przez wlasne klamstwa,
Ktore wciaz plote.
I z tego strachu,
Co noc tylko szlocham.
Bo chyba naprawde...
Naprawde Cie kocham...


Mysle o jednym ... co by bylo jak by wszystko sie zakonczylo ??? :'(
Dobrze by bylo .. czy nadal by mnie wszystko przesladowalo :'(....
To jest nie do wytrzymania :(.... Pomocy

Hiyaa !!! ;) xx

Hiyaa najmilsi :) xx Jestem tutaj nowa :) i założyłam bloga by sie z wami podzielić moimi myślami ... ostatnio nie jestem w nastoju zawsze smutna i zapłakana .. i chcę zacząć myśleć pozytywnie chociaż to jest trudne ..myślę ze mi się uda...
Myślę ze wam się spodoba tutaj u mnie ...:)
Dziękuje i Zapraszam ...:)