Wednesday 16 March 2011

ahhh..:( again!!! :'(

AGAIN!!!!:'( ohhh the same thing as always ... my best friend told me that I am lucky with guy's how can I be lucky with them even if that guy that i like I can't be with him ....:'( 
Well he is a bit different but for me thats nothing i like how he is not how he look's like I like him by the way he is...and how he does
Thats the thing that I like about him,, I love the way he is ... xx
I thought that i could have you but I was wrong,, I made a mistake ..:'( 
well like always ...:'( 

Love you ...
pfff well it's better not say that...because when I say that always is everything getting bad ...
 I am not worth even to heard that...x 
I am gonna just say that even that I don't know you that much...
I feel something for you ...
But I am gonna stay quiet ...
till you see what i feel for you 

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