Thursday 3 March 2011


Life..:'( ???
Yee,,its shit ... you the person that I am thinking all the time about 
you the one that i thought that you changed 
you the one that made me feel like an angel 
you the one that I really loved 
I didn't know that I can love you that much...
but now I know that its the end :'(
for me,,, for you.
I know that I don't have any more chances.
You wont love me again.
Life is shit.
I think that it will be the end for everything,
every story that i made about us :'(
every mind that i had about you :'(
every song that i was song that i was listening and thinking about you :'(
Ye , I was in love with you and I am 
but you can't see that :'(
Every tear that flows from my eye is for you ...
I want to see you happy for the rest of your life...
That's why I will leave you alone...
For ever...
You will see soon 
how much I loved you and how much I love you
At that time i think you will see what you meant in my life...
You were you are and you will be
 the only one for me...
All mine 
is just for you I will leave everything 
and that it's 
for you
just for you 
no one else...
I wont forget about you...
Thats why I will 
pass to the other side ....
I will leave you for ever 
like you just want

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