Monday 7 March 2011

Well thats the end ??,, :'( is it ...?? can some one answer me please...??,,:'(

Again....Why me??...What i did wrong...??...
I was trying to be happy...
But why did you tell me that ...
Anyway that's your choice but i wanna see you happy...
Be happy like that..:)) 
But I am not really about that...:'( 
I am on about us... all...
We are best friends... then why everyone is gonna brake it..:'(
Yesterday I was standing and saying to my friend...
What will be with us in a few years everyone will go away... far... to make their own life's...
No one will remember what was with our group...
How many times we were sad and happy...
That times that we were laughing so much... even for no reason...
That time's were the happiest moments that i had in all my life...
With you lot...
I will miss you all...
I will cry for all of you...
I will be sat and thinking about all that happy moments that i had with you lot...
All of you gave me strength and you all were always with me when I need it ...
And now it will be the end..??
Yee I think so 
I a few years you lot will be finishing college... and making own life's...
Same with me... but I know that I will be still remembering all our laugh's and the sad moments..:'(
Well we are growing and thats life ...:'(
Sad:'( and Happy:') 
I know that everyone will be happy... in the future I am sure about it...  
I will remember all of you for...
I will think about all of you for...
I will love all of you for...
I will miss all of you ...:'( 

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